Now that you have received a booster dose in the form of funding we want you to look at transforming your business. Business transformation refers to changing the business to a super business from a so-so business. A super business is a business which shows robust growth in turnover and profitability on a year on year basis consistently.

Maybe in the past, sometimes wrong decisions were taken. Sometimes right decisions were taken but at a wrong time. How to decide? Is there any way of arriving at the right decision at the right time or is it plain luck? No denying that luck is required, and without it nothing worthwhile happens.

Whether we are a well-established business or a new start up, the paradigm remains the same. However, one thing is for sure and that is we need to take proactive action today to be able to see a better result in the future. So what is that action? What are the steps that we need to take to transform our business to a super business? Will it cost a lot? Will it take a long time?

The steps required are detailed below, and each sub-module will not take more than 10 days, and, it will not take more than 30 working days to do the transformation module. The following tools will be employed in the process of transformation.

Business Diagnostics

It is a service provided by us on the net to give you a status report on the sustainability and vulnerability of your business and also an overview of some of the possible opportunities for growth that you may like to examine based on actuals of your business. The report is based on the balance sheet analysis and also factoring in latest economic trends. This is provided by experts* in production, marketing and finance with over thirty years of experience, in India or abroad individually. The report will be a guide to you to further action. Contact us today with your latest audited financials, we will guide you further.

Business Strategy

Business strategy is implementing the Business Plan. The implementation will be done through a detailed linking of key result areas with concerned profit centres through an MBO and linking the whole through an ERP.

Key Result Areas are the points determined which need to be quantified and achieved to add up to the goal in sight. The target is determined by means of a Management by Objectives quantification process.

To ensure smooth implementation and channelizing the resources which is always in critical supply, ERP system and other digital apps are made use of to save time and improve efficiency and enhance effectiveness.


The next step is to delve deeper into the report to arrive at a more detailed picture of the business and corrective action that needs to be taken. Studies have shown that the best possible method of taking the right decision at the right time is by collective consensus among a group of well-informed people meeting for a common purpose. Fortunately we have time tested technique which has only grown in popularity globally since it was found out.

Once the brainstorming is completed and a business plan evolved with everyone on the same page, we need to make a detailed implementation plan and put into operation immediately.

The advantage of the entire management being together on the plan is the greatest boost for any business.

Presentation on Brainstorming

Business Reach

Business Reach refers to the technique of reaching out to the market place in a most effective manner at least cost. Internet helps us to find our market and help us to reach our full potential.

We would start with a web-site, then use search engine optimization techniques, integrate with social media like face-book, twitter, Instagram, linkden etc. with well-crafted videos and presentations.

Every one of us no matter how experienced we may be in our business need to have latest ever changing information or rather business analytics to manoeuvre and negotiate a labyrinth of conditions and laws to be able to put our product or service in the hands of our customer.

We need to establish our presence in the market, enhance the feel of our product or service to our potential customer. We will make use of the digital tools to grow our business.

Welcome to the 21st century.